ILPD Mission
The Institute of Leadership and Professional Development exist to support the vision and mission of Daystar University by providing Christ-centered specialized education and services to leaders of churches, Christian institutions, and individuals involved in serving the wider society so as to enhance biblical values, professionalism, and excellence for the transformation, reformation, and renewal of the Church and society in Africa and the world.
ILPD offers short-term courses with the following objectives:
1. Provide formal and non-formal training to Christians so as to equip them with specialized knowledge and work skills that enhance effectiveness and professionalism in the service to the Church and society;
2. Offer training that promotes biblical values of integrity, excellence, and a holistic view of life and ministry among Christians as servant leaders to the Church and society;
3. Coordinate and facilitate consultation, networking, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences among Church leaders, Christian professionals and institutions for the purpose of advancing knowledge, biblical values and promoting social and spiritual renewal and transformation in the Church and society.
4. Provide opportunities for and to facilitate the Daystar University staff, faculty, and students to minister and serve the Church and society.
ILPD holds Graduation for Family Bank Managers
The first cohort comprising of 25 Family Bank branch managers were presented with certificates during a graduation ceremony held on 6th March 2015. This was after completion of a six months training on “Transformative Leadership for Growth,” by Institute of Leadership and Professional Development (ILPD).
Speaking during the graduation ceremony, Family Bank CEO Mr. Peter Munyiri said "If leaders were born, the world would not have any. At Family bank we recognize that leaders are made and that’s why we have undertaken to train our managers. To be an executive takes time but you have to practice the skills until they become part of you.” he said.
Speaking at the same ceremony Daystar University Vice-chancellor, Dr. Timothy Wachira said we are in a country with leadership deficiency. He thus encouraged the managers not to fall into the trap that kills other leaders; that of selfishness, wanting to know what’s in it for them. Instead he told them to apply the knowledge in order to make a difference in the world, and consequently they will be the ones to decide where they want to lead.