Every Gift Matters...Because Every Donor Matters
Our "No Gift To Small" philosophy ensures that every donor receives our full attention, support, and gratitude. No exceptions.
Smallest Daystar Individual Gift: $2
Largest Daystar Individual Gift: $300,000
How Your Gift Is Used
Whether you make a one-time or monthly recurring gift to Daystar, you can be sure that every dollar is carefully allocated to meet the most pressing needs. Please let us know if you have a special donation request.
Examples of the impact your gift can make:
- $20 = 1 Semester Exam Fees
- $50 = 1 Month Medical Insurance
- $50 = 1 Month Dormitory Living
- $80 = 1 Class Credit
- $90 = 1 Month Cafeteria Meals
- $260 = 1 Month Tuition
- $1,300 = 1 Semester Tuition
- $6,000 = 1 Full Year Tuition, Room, and Board
Time To Create Some Impact!
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21
Other ways you can give