Scholarships: Invest in the Future of Africa One Student at a Time
So that no more bright young people are turned away every year from Daystar because they cannot raise the needed tuition.
We invite you to partner with Daystar in equipping students to transform Africa. One of the best ways you can do this is through the Scholarship Program. Daystar would like to continue to broaden its influence, and this means enabling many more students from low economic backgrounds to afford its tuition.
More than 200 students have an opportunity because of many of you here in the U.S. Not only are these students a great investment but right now there is a way to double your giving.
Give today towards the $50,000 scholarship match. This year double the number of students applied for scholarships. We are prayerfully trying to increase the funds available for these wonderful students.
Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support for our African brothers and sisters. Your prayers and gifts do make a difference!
Many students have no access to loans or scholarships and must either sacrifice at great cost to obtain this education or forego the dream altogether. Government grants, loans, and scholarships are not readily available in Kenya. As education costs continue to rise, the need for additional financial aid and scholarship also increases.
Scholarship funds are critical components to the vitality and success of Daystar University. A single Daystar graduate may directly and indirectly influence hundreds or even thousands of people in his or her lifetime. This ripple effect will help transform Africa for generations to come. You can make a difference!