Behind the Scenes: Meet Nancy

Nancy is one of the Daystar U.S. veterans, going on five years with the organization.  As the Finance Manager, she keeps things organized and running smoothly!


How long have you been with Daystar U.S.?

I became involved with Daystar U.S. as an outside accounting consultant working one to two days a week starting in the fall of 2011.  After working with the organization for 4 years I was fortunate to be hired as an employee in 2015.  I call myself a “real” employee now and I have to say I don’t know how I got so many things done on so little time before I became “real”!


What does a typical workday look like for you?

I enjoy the quiet of the morning, so I like to get to the office early to avoid the traffic and have a few moments to think through my day. I talk with God and thank him for bringing me to this mission, ask blessings on all the faculty and students of Daystar University and our office and focus on why I am working for such a wonderful cause.

After that…everyday is different. One day I may be delving into HR issues and insurance (always a challenge with the ever changing rules and regulations), other days I may be focused on completing and analyzing monthly financials in relationship to budget or coordinating with the University office on scholarship support and financial transfers of money both for students and investing.  I can say I learn new things every day and build new relationships. And isn’t that what keeps life interesting?


What do you appreciate about your job here?

There are so many things I appreciate about my job at Daystar U.S.  I know I can count on the support of my co-workers to help with any issues that arise.  They offer insight to find solutions and it’s always nice to know we all believe that we are guided by the hand of God. In addition, there is no greater satisfaction than seeing the smiles on the faces of the students we serve. (We also have great snacks in the office!)


How do you spend your time outside of the office?

I keep myself busy in my off hours doing many kinds of needlework, walking and playing with my dog, spending time with friends and family and occasionally doing high school homework with my son.  Talk about learning something new every day!  It keeps my mind young!


What advice would you give to your younger self?

That’s an easy one!  I would tell myself to worry less, have more faith, and be humble.  I wish I had learned this much.  My favorite reading from the Bible is Matthew 6:25-34, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life – whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear.  Isn’t life more than food and your body more than clothing.  Look at the birds.  They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?  Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”