Tom Wanous had a passion for Africa. He provided veterinary and community development workshops in Kenya and surrounding East African countries, while working with local churches. In addition he also provided professional support and consultation to the missionaries and Christian leaders working with Christian Veterinary Mission, Daystar University, and Literacy and Evangelism Fellowship. The intent behind this was to enable his African friends to better care for their families and livestock. Tom was actively involved with Daystar University and Christian Veterinary Mission well into his retirement years.
Many people were positively affected by Tom’s life, especially in Kenya and at Daystar University. Tom’s involvement with Daystar started back in the 80’s, which included leading mission teams from Hope Presbyterian Church, serving on the Daystar U.S. board, teaching classes on campus and even going out to the “bush” to share the gospel. His vocation as a veterinarian positioned him so that many of the pastoralist tribes would come to ask him questions about their animals (such as cows or goats) and then he would have the opportunity to share about new life in Christ.
He and his wife Bette also had a heart for refugees, especially those from South Sudan. They introduced me to many of these, including Reverend John Daau. Tom and Bette brought John (a former “lost boy”) to Daystar University and paid for his scholarship. They became his spiritual parents and mentored him as John went from feeling lost to having a vision to impact his country of South Sudan. John now runs a school in Juba that has around 400 students and hundreds of others are being impacted by his leadership and teaching. Many other stories could be told of Tom’s work in Africa – only in eternity will we know the full impact.