Our Mission
The Daystar U.S mission is to mobilize resources for Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya to advance the education of Christian Servant-Leaders to transform Africa and the world.
Our faith statement
All board members and staff shall profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; shall otherwise satisfy the Governing Council of their soundness in faith and practice of Christian doctrine; shall examine and be satisfied with the principles and practices of the organization and wholeheartedly approve of them and desire to carry them all out; and shall by their signature accept without mental reservation the Confession of Faith herein set forth, both in letter and spirit. All such members shall possess the qualifications required for their particular duties and shall be responsible to the Governing Council for their conduct and for the carrying out of the duties as assigned to them.
1. The one eternal God and in the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Creator and Lord of the world, who governs all things according to the purpose of His will, calling out of the world a people for himself and sending them back into the world to be his servants and witnesses for the extension of his Kingdom, and building of Christ’s church and the glory of his name.
2. The one Savior, Jesus Christ himself being the only God-man who died for the sins of mankind and was raised from the dead according to the scriptures; the only ransom for sinners and mediator between God and humankind; who is exalted above every other name as Savior of the world who offers forgiveness of sins and the liberating gift of the Spirit to all who repent, believe and come to him personally and so be reconciled to God; and those who reject Him repudiate the joy of salvation and condemn themselves to eternal separation from God.
3. The Holy Spirit, sent by God the Father to bear witness to His Son, whose power and works among humankind lead to the conviction of sin, faith in Christ, new birth, and Christian growth; and speaking through the Scriptures illumines the minds of God’s people in every culture to perceive the truth and discloses to the whole church of the wisdom of God.
4. The divine inspiration, truthfulness and authority of the Old and the New Testament Scriptures as the Word of God with power to accomplish his purpose of salvation; the Gospel of good news for the whole world addressed to all humankind for God’s revelation in Christ and the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
5. The return of Jesus Christ personally and visibly in power and glory to consummate his salvation and judgment; the interim period being filled with evangelism by the people of God, who eagerly await Christ’s return, the coming of the new heaven and new earth in which righteousness will dwell and God will reign for ever; and meanwhile rededicating themselves to the service of Christ and humankind in joyful submission to Christ’s authority over the whole of life.
6. The constant spiritual warfare with principalities and powers of evil which are seeking to overthrow the kingdom of God and to frustrate the work of the Church, and the need for Christians to be equipped with God’s armor and to fight with spiritual weapons of truth and prayer, being watchful and discerning to safeguard the Biblical gospel.
7. The church as the community of God’s people that is not to be identified with any particular culture, social or political system or human ideology; being the center of God’s cosmic purpose and his appointed means of spreading the gospel to the world; and which needs to be closely united in fellowship, work, witness and functional cooperation for the furtherance of the church’s mission, and for mutual encouragement and the sharing of resources and experience.
8. Christian churches that are deeply rooted in Christ and closely related to their cultures, always testing and judging such cultures in accordance with the Scripture’s criteria of truth and righteousness, insisting on their moral absolutes and seeking to transform and enrich them for the glory of God.
9. The freedom of thought and conscience to practice and propagate the gospel in accordance with the will of God, and to remain faithful to that gospel whatever the cost.
10. The sharing of God’s concern for justice and reconciliation throughout human society and for the liberation of humankind; evangelism and socioeconomic/ political involvement, without being afraid to denounce evil and injustice wherever they exist, being part of the Christian duty and necessary expressions of Christian doctrines of God and humankind, love for one’s neighbor and obedience to Jesus Christ to exhibit his kingdom and to spread its justice and righteousness in the world.
11. Christian education, training and research that are indigenous and developed by creative local initiatives according to biblical standards of doctrine, discipleship, evangelism, nurture and service to equip and encourage Christian leaders in church and society to provide a Christian style of leadership and service. “
“Daystar is doing more than meeting a need for education. It is providing a solution for Africa.”