Mary Shares Her Thanks
November 4th, 2021
"He will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair."
Isaiah 61:3 (NLT)
Mary's story is like many others who did not have access to a university education. Because of the support of many of you, Mary and many others students are able to attend and graduate from Daystar University. And like so many others, after graduation she is going back to her community to serve rather than to pursue fortune and fame. Mary plans to use her Environmental Health degree to create a healthy environment for those living with water pollution from the slum where she grew up. She is making a difference and shining the light of Jesus in her community!
Mary shared about her time at Daystar, "God kept me going despite the tough situations I faced and sure enough He came through for me on August 2017 when l was awarded the Daystar U.S. scholarship. This not only made me financially cleared to sit for my exams, but helped pay for my medical expenses, and cater for my housing and dining needs. My stay at Daystar University was the best and it is sad that I will be leaving the family that I have had for the past five years."
She also shared, "I was also privileged to join the mission team giving me a chance to grow spiritually by sharing the word of God through various missions to schools, churches and children homes. Only God knows what lies ahead for me after I graduate. He stood up for me and always will. The Bible reminds me always to not be anxious about anything but in every situation, be prayerful and petition with thanksgiving, to present my requests to God. I always thank God for you. You have walked with me throughout my student life paying for my school fees, giving me allowances and praying for me and my family. I will always appreciate your generous support that you have given me and the other less privileged students."
We thank God for you and many others that supported the 206 students, like Mary, through scholarships this year. Please click on the the photo below to watch Mary share some of her story and her gratitude for how much the scholarship has meant to her life.
Thank you so much for your prayers and generous support!
Daystar U.S., Executive Director
Mary Emmah Gives Thanks
for Scholarship Support
Calvary greetings!
It is my prayer that you are safe during this pandemic. I am a born again Christian from the western part of Kenya. I am the first born in a family of three. Currently I am in upcountry helping my parents with farming since they lost their jobs because of the Corona virus.
In 2017 when Mary Emmah became a Daystar scholarship student.
I joined Daystar in August 2015 and honestly can testify that it has taken the hand of the Lord to be where I am today. Before getting the Daystar U.S. scholarship, I was being sponsored by an organization called Inua Dada in partnership with Chase Bank but the scholarship did not materialize forcing me to stay at home for a period of one year. God kept me going despite the tough situations I faced and sure enough He came through for me on August 2017 when l was awarded the Daystar U.S. scholarship. This not only made me financially cleared to sit for my exams, but helped pay for my medical expenses, and cater for my housing and dining needs.
My stay at Daystar University was the best and it is sad that I will be leaving the family that I have had for the past five years. Besides God, what helped me through my stay at Daystar is the family I have received. Mrs. Jenifer and my sister Cate always stood up for me and encouraged me to do my part of working hard and letting God do the rest. My work study supervisor, Mr. Nzou, who always checked up to ensure I was able to balance between work and studies and my lecturers, Mrs. Faith Mburu and Dr. Kinuthia, who have kept me on my toes. I was also privileged to join the mission team giving me a chance to grow spiritually by sharing the word of God through various missions to schools, churches and children homes.
Only God knows what lies ahead for me after I graduate. He stood up for me and always will. The Bible reminds me always to not be anxious about anything but in every situation, be prayerful and petition with thanksgiving, to present my requests to God. My plan after I graduate is to sit for a board exam for the Public Health Officers and Technician Council on December 16th after which l will apply for a one-year internship.
I always thank God for you. You have walked with me throughout my student life paying for my school fees, giving me allowances and praying for me and my family. I will always appreciate your generous support that you have given me and the other less privileged students. You never tired in giving, for with the same measure you have measured, it will be measured back to you. Thank you so much for helping me achieve my dreams. How I wish you were here with me to celebrate my achievement. I will always love you. Blessings.