Jacqueline Mwikali
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Nationality: Kenyan
Class of 2015
Greetings from the land of the African sun! I trust that you are well in Christ. My name is Jacquie, a young girl whose heart is in Christ. I was a first born in my family.
I am currently in my last semester, whooo! (sigh!) I look back and just thank God for where He has brought me from. I have come to learn that God is a faithful God while studying at Daystar. I started my courses in May 2010, and after four years, I am finally getting my degree!
Before coming to Daystar, I used to visit my aunt and on my way to her work place, I would pass by Daystar. Every time I saw Daystar, I kept telling the school that I am coming, and indeed I came.
Daystar has helped me to have faith, favor and trust in God. When things would get tough, I would pray, and God would always come through in one way or the other. I remember when my parents fell ill and we went through a bad financial crisis. At times, I thought I would never make it, especially when I lost my mom last year; that was my breaking point. But God proved Himself to be faithful in my life! I am forever grateful that He opened doors for me to be awarded this scholarship by Daystar!
Hopefully in the future, I would like to pursue a Master’s degree in something that will help me with my purpose. I am praying for God’s wisdom to guide me and choose the right direction.
I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing. You are my answered prayers that I cried to God night and day when I didn’t know where I would get the cash to pay my school fees.
May God eternally bless you and your children and your generation.