Help us match our board's challenge gift,
Give now and make twice the impact!

As part in this social movement to counteract commercialism with generosity, this year the Daystar U.S. board has committed to giving an additional $12,000 specifically toward our #GivingTuesday campaign. They are challenging you, our friends and donors, to match their giving and help propel the transformative work in Africa that is being done at Daystar University. Please consider helping us match their funds!

Your #GivingTuesday gifts will help students like Bernard, a 2004 Daystar graduate that is putting his degree to work in transforming Africa. As a slum child, Bernard was given the gift of education though Compassion International and Daystar University’s Financial Aid Office. After friends, jealous of his good fortune, attacked him, he became “determined to change someone’s life in future. If my friends had an opportunity to quality education; if they had other options in life; would jealousy have overtaken them? Would they have led a life of crime?" In response to this and to others' generosity shown to him, he established the Bernard Omondi Oloo Foundation to benefit children from economically-disadvantaged families. The foundation is currently supporting two young adults from his home slum.

Oloo, Bernard Omondi Foundation Profile.jpg

"I made a promise; that I would use every opportunity at my disposal to help those like me to attain education and encourage them to excel. I may not have the capacity to reach thousands, but one life, just one more life is enough. It’s what I live for."

- Bernard