Faye Smith Memorial
Faye was born on 26th December 1928 in Eugene, Oregon, USA, and married Donald Kendall Smith on 25th June, 1950. They began their missionary career in 1952 in South Africa. Don and Faye later relocated to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, where they started Daystar Communications with Motsoko Pheko.
In 1974 they acquired property in Nairobi with great support from US friends and the Tyndale Foundation in particular, for Daystar Communications, which would later become Daystar University College. Later in 1994, Daystar University College was awarded a Charter by the Government of Kenya to become Daystar University.
She loved and served the Lord all her life with integrity, commitment and music. Her faithful service to God and commitment to missions gave rise to Daystar University. Without her behind-the-scenes work and teaching, it would not exist.
““Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever” ”