Daystar U.S. Newsletter

Summer 2020

What’s Inside:

Daystar Transitions To Online Education

Daystar is one of only four Kenyan universities that has moved to online classes.

International Student Update

Two students share their experiences along with an update on the COVID-19 Emergency Student Relief Fund.

Capital Projects Report

A new communications center and ladies fitness center are in the news!

And much more…

Read inspiring messages from Daystar University President Laban Ayiro and Daystar U.S. Executive Director Alan Cooke.

Generous U.S. support has provided essential services for many International students isolated away from home during the pandemic.

Generous U.S. support has provided essential services for many International students isolated away from home during the pandemic.

A Message From Daystar University President Laban Ayiro

Greetings to our friends and partners in the U.S.,

We at Daystar have seen disruption of immense proportions as things have come to a standstill across the country. Just the other day food supplies were being distributed in the Kibera slums and more than 500,000 people turned up wanting to get supplies for their families. There was chaos and many people were injured and hurt. That gives you an idea of the desperation that confronts the average Kenyan arising out of this pandemic.

On March 15th, the government ordered all Kenyan universities to close. We decided to move all our teaching to an e-learning platform. About 30% of our students come from homes without electricity and can't afford internet. We have made special arrangements for these students who by no making of their own, just their poverty and their circumstances, have been disadvantaged.

We are well aware of the agony that the American people are going through. I empathize when I look at the statistics of those who have fallen to this pandemic of Corona in the U.S, and we are praying for you. We are crying with you because America is being hit so hard.

Daystar has over 4,000 students who are scattered all over Kenya. Daystar currently supports 392 desperate students on scholarships, students who don't know where the next meal will come from and with this closure they have gone back to extremely difficult situations. Currently, we are appealing for financial support of $119,000 for these students and for international students who cannot return to their home countries. We continue to make a plea that you support us in transforming young Africans to be servant-leaders and to put Christ at the center of their lives and professions. We continue to thank all of you in the U.S. for supporting needy students with scholarships. We cannot thank you enough and we pray for you. May God continue to be with you as we pray for each other.

Yours at His Service,

Laban Ayiro


Daystar U.S. Update

Life has been returning to a new normal in Minnesota just as it is across the U.S. We pray regularly for all of you who have been adversely affected.

Many in the U.S. have received government support during these challenging days but Kenyans have no such safety net. Before this crisis, the unemployment rate was close to 50%, and now over 1.2 million more are facing unemployment and much suffering because of lockdowns.

Thank you for your unwavering support as you have been a lifeline to these students who need so much help right now.

Please let me know how we can be of service and pray for you and your loved ones. Feel free to email me at

In His grace,

Alan Cooke
Executive Director
Daystar U.S.

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Daystar Transitions to Online Education

Daystar is one of only four Kenyan universities that has moved to online classes.

In a world of increasing education options, universities must stay relevant by extending different aspects of learning. The COVID-19 lockdown has provided Daystar with the opportunity to position itself as a national leader in online education. Daystar can extend its educational reach and mission – to offer a Christ-centered education for the transformation of Africa – by offering a world-class education beyond its physical campus.

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Daystar U.S. Board Meetings Moved Online

On April 17, the Daystar U.S. board successfully conducted meetings via Zoom.

Board members attended from across the U.S. and Kenya with one member joining from Hawaii!

With a total time difference of up to 13 hours, it was a historic meeting demonstrating both the commitment of all of those participating and the unshakeable love for the students, staff , people of Kenya, and all of Africa.

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Daystar Students as Servant-Leaders

Daystar students are giving sacrificially to meet the needs of fellow students and staff.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are in dire need of essential supplies. Donations from Daystar students have provided 17 people with food.

Daystar student, Kevin Otieno, runs the Hope Compassion Center in the Mathare slums. The center normally aims to ensure that children receive a proper education.

Under Kevin’s leadership during the current crisis, the center has been providing three tanks of clean water, three times per week. This water not only provides residents of the slum with fresh drinking water but also the ability to wash their hands frequently to avoid the spread of disease.


International Student Samuel

We contacted Samuel recently, an orphaned scholarship student from Rwanda. He has confirmed that he is doing well while living on the Athi River campus.

The international students now living on campus are receiving meals from the school dining hall and there is reliable internet availability for classes online.

The students living on campus have been enjoying hour-long morning devotions at 6:00AM and 1:00PM, which are facilitated by Daystar staff.

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Covid-19 Emergency Student Relief Fund Update

Funds transferred thus far to Daystar University are making a significant impact!

  • One-time support for 141 students struggling financially averaging $387 per student

  • Internet data plan support for 4,285 students to attend online classes.

Please help us reach our target by donating today at

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International Student Johnny

“I kindly request your prayers as I wait for things to normalize.”

We also heard from Johnny, an international student from South Sudan living off campus in Nairobi who wrote, “The outbreak of the virus is also impacting negatively on social life, staying at home all of the time, and fear and anxiety over the future.”

”Apart from that, the e ects of the curfew and restrictions caused by the pandemic, have led to the rise in prices at the markets as well as the transportation fare doubling. Internet connection is also a challenge.”

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Daystar Updates

New Communications Studio

The new communication studios are almost complete, thanks to Daystar U.S. partners. The University of Northwestern in St. Paul donated updated equipment for the studio and to update Daystar’s radio station, Shine FM.

Once travel restrictions are lifted, a team of technicians from Northwestern will travel to Kenya to complete installation.

New Ladies Fitness Center

President Laban has a grand vision for updated sports facilities at Daystar and the first step has been the construction of a new ladies’ fitness center on the Athi River campus. We are so thankful for Daystar friends raising funds for new athletic equipment for this center!

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