Daystar Alumni are Transforming Africa, One Person and Community at a Time.

Meet Benjamin Lem: Building the newest country in the world, South Sudan.

Benjamin Lem Ater.JPG

Benjamin is from South Sudan, but was displaced from his home in 1987 due to the civil war between the north and south. He went into exile with a group of boys who were later known as the “Lost Boys of Sudan.” Another Daystar graduate working in South Sudan encouraged him to apply to Daystar University and request a scholarship for members of refugee families. Benjamin was accepted and found much healing, rest, and spiritual growth on campus. He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in 2012 will full intentions to return to South Sudan to contribute to rebuilding his nation, a home he hadn’t visited in 25 years. Benjamin became the marketing officer for Kush Bank in South Sudan, where he helped establish new baking locations for the country’s recovering economy. Now, Benjamin serves as the Secretary General for the state parliament of Jonglie State in South Sudan. He has significant influence in his role as he represents Christ in a fragile government, working closely with the state governor to coordinate local projects and funding needs like schools and health services. Before graduating, he took time to thank you, his donor:Indeed, you have been my real father/mother. You supported me without bias of my background or color and your help will not be taken for granted. Kindly receive our warmest regards from me and my family: My wife Mary and my children; Achol, Ater, Apiok and Lul.”

Daystar graduate and former scholarship student John Daau is also making an impact in South Sudan along with many other Daystar University graduates.

Scholarships: Invest in the Future of Africa One Student at a Time

So that no more bright young people are turned away every year from Daystar because they cannot raise the needed tuition.


We invite you to partner with Daystar in equipping students to transform Africa. One of the best ways you can do this is through the Scholarship Program. Daystar would like to continue to broaden its influence, and this means enabling many more students from low economic backgrounds to afford its tuition. 

Many students have no access to loans or scholarships and must either sacrifice at great cost to obtain this education or forego the dream altogether. Government grants, loans, and scholarships are not readily available in Kenya. As education costs continue to rise, the need for additional financial aid and scholarship also increases.

Scholarship funds are critical components to the vitality and success of Daystar University. A single Daystar graduate may directly and indirectly influence hundreds or even thousands of people in his or her lifetime. This ripple effect will help transform Africa for generations to come. You can make a difference!