Quinter shared her student scholarship testimony before her cancer diagnosis and her passing on January 2nd, 2021


I am the last born in a family of nine children. My dad worked as a security guard while my mom is a housewife. All my siblings were educated from primary school through high school and there after got married. My dad retired from his job while I was in fifth grade and by the time I was finishing my primary school education, there were no finances to facilitate my high school education. I left home to seek for a job in Nairobi. I worked for ten years just to save up money for my studies and by God’s grace, I received a church sponsorship which took me all the way through high school.

I am a committed Christian and gave my life to Jesus Christ on August 2nd, 2008 at a women’s meeting. I cannot recall what pushed me to go to the altar because all along, I thought I was a good Christian but understood later that I needed to be born again of the Spirit.

Daystar University implies the accumulation of knowledge. It helps students in the understanding of the complexity of knowledge and the interconnectedness of different fields of study. Daystar strives to integrate faith and learning; believing that faith and reasoning complements one another within the Christian framework of education.

I have come to love Daystar. Psalms 16:6: “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a delightful inheritance.”

Upon graduation, I expect to be a whole new person; a leader with valuable skills in the industry and attributes such as; diligence, integrity and faithfulness, capable of influencing the church, government, and private organizations positively with Christian Values.

I can’t thank you enough for what you are doing in my life and for the many students here. Your generosity is a true blessing and a gift from the good Lord. May He bless and grant you according to your needs. Thank you for being the difference maker in my life. God bless you.