Daystar eNews: 2020 Launch and Upcoming Changes
We're excited to launch into 2020 with you alongside. Together, with God's leading, we will continue the mission of Daystar University into a new decade and be witnesses of the resulting transformation of Africa.
Here are just a few of the changes coming in 2020.
The reference to Daystar U.S. in our logo has been dropped. Don't worry; our staff remains fully committed to serving you in your support of Daystar University from our Minnesota office. We are simply removing confusion in our messaging as some partners wanted to know where the Daystar U.S. University campus was located. :)
We've reviewed our website for its clarity and ability to communicate the Daystar mission as effectively as possible. For starters, you'll notice a new navigation menu design to help you find the information you're looking for as quickly as possible. This is work in process and you'll notice many more enhancements as the weeks roll by.
We will also be using more video in 2020 as we attempt to bring our partners face-to-face with the challenges and blessings of being a student or alumni of Daystar.
Our drive to be faithful financial stewards, along with rising postage and print costs, will result in fewer, yet more targeted print mailings this year.
We've raised the bar as to how many students we would like to serve this year (details below).
To achieve our goals, we will need the continued financial and prayer support of all of our partners, along with a renewed commitment to share the mission of Daystar University with family, friends, and anyone who may have an interest in joining us in the work of transforming Africa.