Blind Faith


What's that quote about life being a mountain with a great view at the top?

You know the one I'm talking about. Lately, I have been finding myself focusing on the "getting to the top" part a bit too much. But really - what is at the top of said mountain? My mom has told me that since I was a toddler, I was always a planner. While planning is typically looked at as a strength, it can also be a deterrent to the plan that God has for us. The phrase "let go and let God" is one I frequently run through my thoughts to counteract my need to plan a life that isn't mine - it's God's. 


While I was creating this week's video, I was shown just how strong these women, and all of our scholarship students, are. I've spoken about their strength in emails before: strength of character, strength of soul, and strength of heart. This strength, however - the strength to blindly trust God to keep you alive - that's a strength that many of us have never had to test in ourselves.

These women don't just say "let go and let God", they walk it out everyday. In a world full of uncertainty, these students act as an example of the faith we all should adopt.Cate and Priscah grew up in one of the worst environments out there, yet as you will see in this video, they SHINE with a light that can only be described as hope.  


Watch below to hear the story of my Kenyan sisters' survival and journey to Daystar: 

Your support allows hundreds of students each year to rise
above their life circumstances and pursue Christ-centered higher education at Daystar University.  

Make one of those students a girl from the slums

who dreams of having a new life: